All The Newness! | New Website and Blog Layout

I'm going to be totally honest, I'm writing this blog post in a hurry! It's Monday the 16th of January. Last week was busy, and I spent it either out on a shoot, or in front of my computer trying to finish off my new website and new blog layout. Needless to say, if you're reading this post then you can already see that the blog looks a bit different! Hooray! It didn't come easily though, goodness. I have to say a huge thank you to Anna from ByRosanna helped me SO MUCH last week (and over the weekend) to get this fixed. Let's just say that changing over your blog layout is scary, and never goes quite to plan.
One thing that I am extremely happy about though, is my new website! I'd been wanting to build myself a new site for months, and I decided that 2017 was definitely the year it needed to happen. So from September onwards, I was in pure research mode. What platform would be the best? How interactive did I want it all to be? How easy (or hard) did I want it to be to make it? In the end, I decided on Squarespace. I'd used Squarespace before for Atlas' website, and had liked it, but felt slightly apprehensive of getting back in there. I tested out a different platform called ShowIt, which is super popular with photographers, but when it came to actually building my site, it was SO COMPLICATED, I went running in the other direction. Not to mention the cost was alarming. Maybe one day, further down the line, I'll pay someone to make me an even cooler, snazzier website. Time shall tell.

Either way, I love my new website! It didn't take me long to make at all (I had it more or less done by the time I was back from my Christmas holiday - yes, I wasn't supposed to work... but I couldn't help it!). Thanks to Anna's help, I launched it last Wednesday, and have been so happy with it! It's simpler, cleaner, there is far less work on there (I've tried very hard to be selective) and I hope it gives everyone a better idea of who I am, and what I do! There's still things I'd like to add to it, but that will happen over time. Want to see it for yourself? Click here!
Now, this brings me to the blog. I'd changed my blog layout not that long ago, and I did like it, but I began to realise that it was taking me far too long to find old posts. I didn't like the fact that the blog was long form, and you had to scroll endlessly. I wanted something where people could see a thumbnail, easily browse around, and click into any post they like. This layout has done that, and I really love it! It's (again) more minimal, the focus is much more on the images (yay!) and I think it's easier to navigate! The only hitch? I'm currently working with the developper of this theme to figure out why you can't currently click onto the next pages of the site... so bare with me, it will be fixed soon! But I hope you'll agree that it's look a million times better already.
Anyway, that's it for today! Just a little update from me, to say hello, keep you in the know and now I'm off for a photoshoot (yay!). Photos coming soon :)