Lucie On The Beach | Bridal Editorial

It feels strange talking about the "new year" still, because we're already half way into January, and my mind is already planning for March/April (I think very far ahead.. curse and a blessing!), but when I say that 2017 has been off to a good start already, it really, really has. Charlotte Albert, a young make up artist local to Truro got in touch with me over the Christmas period and asked whether I'd like to work with her on a shoot. I'm always up for working with new people, so of course I said yes! I got in touch with Lucie, a face you probably all know well by now, and a model that I love to work with. We got a date in the diary, and I got to planning. Dreaming up photoshoots has to be one of my favourite parts of the process. It's where I can get really creative, spend hours putting together moodboards and make stories up in my head. Over Christmas, I also decided to invest a bit of my money in dresses that I'd be able to use (and reuse) for smaller photoshoots. Essentially, they're pretty dresses that I can keep in my loft, and if they get a bit dirty/damaged, it's not the end of the world. The silver dress you see on Lucie? It was £10 from H&M. I know! Mental, right?
Charlotte got in touch with Alice, from Ruby Alice Floral Design, about creating a bouquet for the day, and I asked Charlotte Reed of Grace Baskerville if she'd like to come along with some jewellery. To my delight, everyone accepted, and we met up on a cold and windy afternoon at Gwithian beach. I love Gwithian; it's actually one of the first North coast beaches that I ever visited, and it's remained quite special to me. It's a vast expanse of sand, with rough seas and sporadically spewed rocks pocking out of the side of cliffs. It's basically a photographers dream. Paired with the incredible clouds in the background (which thankfully stayed in the distance!), I was in photoshoot heaven.
Lucie flowed around in the dresses, and I jumped around like a child in a sweet shop as I captured what will probably be some of my favourite images for years to come. These images speak to me in so many ways, they encapsulate everything I love about what I do. The fact that I can call this my job absolutely blows my mind. How is that even possible?
To add to the amazing day, I'm also extremely excited to bring my first vlog out. Vlogs are something I'd considered doing for quite a while now, but fear definitely held me back. For 2017, I decided to just give it a go, and needless to say, I really enjoyed myself! I've got a lot to learn (recording video is a whole new ball game!), and I feel learning it from the ground up. Sound issues crept up (hello coastal winds!) but that's ok; if I don't start now, I never will, and I'll never be able to improve! I hope you enjoy getting a bit more of a behind the scenes look into what it is that I do, and how a shoot works.
I really hope you love these images as much as I do, and that they bring a bit of joy into your life. They certainly bring me some!
MUA: Charlotte Albert Jewellery: Grace BaskervilleFlowers: Ruby Alice Floral DesignPink Dress: BoohooSilver Dress: H&M

Here are a few shot on film too!

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