Going Dark And Trying Out New Ideas

A few weeks ago, I had a craving to try out new ideas. If you hadn't noticed, I tend to shoot very light, bright and romantic images. They're the type of images that I always seem to love capturing and creating. However, if you look back through my older work, when I was first getting started in studio, I used to do a lot more dark, moody editorial work. These are images that I look back on and still love a lot!
I like to regularly sit down and plan ideas out for editorials and personal projects. During one of these little sessions of mine, I decided that I wanted to give this darker look another go. I'm all about experimenting, pushing myself, and trying to learn new things. So I contacted the model agency I worked with, Gingersnap, and we organised for Charlotte to come and work with Ione and me for a day.
Keeping with the bridal theme that I'm loving so much at the moment, Christine Trewinnard kindly let me borrow some of her dresses for the shoot, which I warned her would be a little bit less "bridal." She was wonderful, and let me have total freedom to do what I wanted.
Charlotte, our model, was wonderful (as you can see), and we all had so much fun. Although these images do feel rather dark compared to what I currently spend most of my time doing, there are elements of old Olivia, but also new, and that's what makes me excited.
If you're a creative person, and you're ever feeling a bit stuck, just try something different. Don't feel scared. If it doesn't work, it doesn't matter! The most important thing to do is try. Thankfully, these images definitely did work, and I love them (which is why you're seeing them now). I hope you love them as much as I do.
Make up and Hair: Ione Alexandra www.makeupbyione.comModel: Charlotte @ GingersnapDresses: Christine Trewinnard www.christinetrewinnard.co.uk