My Business Bucket List // 5 Things I Want To Achieve With My Business

Within business, we're always making goals: book _(insert number here)_ clients, gain this many Instagram followers, make £xxxx amount of money. It's easy for us to spend so much time focusing on these really big, serious goals. But I think sometimes we can forget to look at the really big, fun goals too! I know that I do.
So today, I'm sharing with you my "business bucket list!" These are 5 things that I would absolutely love to achieve, at some point, in my career. There isn't a deadline on these, and I don't have a particular time frame (yet) but these are definitely goals that I will be working into my career at some point in time.
1) Shoot using Valentino dresses:
Ever since I can remember, I've adored watching the videos of the Valentino catwalk shows. I have a particular fondness for the 2013 SS collection. Ever since that day, I knew that one day, I'd absolutely love to photograph a model wearing Valentino. Their style is totally up my street. It's a big goal... but why go big?!
2) Get featured in Vogue:
Now this is a funny goal, because print magazine readerships are plummeting, Vogue included... but there's STILL that yearning within me to be featured in their pages. I grew up surrounded by Vogue. Vogue USA, Vogue UK, Vogue Paris (my favourite), so it's sort of ingrained in me that Vogue is the ultimate place to get featured. Now, I've got some pretty strong competition. Pretty much every fashion photographer out there wants to be featured in Vogue! But again, if you don't aim high, how will you ever get what you want?! So I'm putting it out there, and who knows what will happen. A more short term goal: To get featured in the editorial pages of Brides Magazine. I'm working on it ;)
3) Shoot an editorial in Ibiza:
I grew up spending my summers in Ibiza, so I have a very deep rooted attachment to the island. Its a place which inspires me so much, and I'm absolutely desperate to shoot an editorial in the place that I love so much. Thankfully, I'm actually heading out there for a week with Anna in June, so fingers crossed that will be one thing I can tick off my bucket list.
4) Build my Garden Studio:
After I shot some headshot images for my friend Holly Young I was completely in love with her studio! So much in fact, that I've now added to my bucket list the idea of having a studio like hers. Only I want mine to be at home, in my big garden, with large windows. I have a vision of loads of greenery, a nice view, a big white room, some backdrop stands on one end, and a desk on another. It would be a beautiful, creative space... a little work sanctuary. I'm dreaming big here! One day... ;)
5) Watch Paolo Roversi do a Shoot:
Something a bit different here... but Paolo Roversi is one of my all time favourite photographers. I've looked up to him and admired him for such a long time. Watching him work would be THE. DREAM. I think it would be fascinating to see how your idol works... don't you?
So there you have it, 5 things from my business bucket list! What are 5 things on your business bucket list? Comment below, or write your own version of this post, and let me know over on Instagram!