7 Women Who Inspire Me

After quite a heavy week, I wanted to bring some happiness, inspiration and calm to your day. Let's face it, we really don't need any more depressing reading for this week, do we!?
Whenever I'm feeling a bit down, I try my hardest to immerse myself in inspiration. I have a tendency to feel overwhelmed at times, and so whenever that happens, I turn to empowering people, who I know will bring me up rather than drag me further down. So for todays post, I wanted to focus on women who inspire me. Don't get me wrong, I'm very inspired by many men as well, but for this post, I'm focusing on the ladies. I'll do a post about the boys later on ;)
So without further ado, here are 7 women who inspire me!

1. Estée Lalonde: I was pretty late to the Essie Button (as she used to be known) fandom. I was late to the Youtube game in general! But the moment I discovered Estée, I knew I'd love her. Her Youtube videos are always about being yourself, loving yourself, and being a really sassy girlboss. Not only that, but her book took it to a whole new level. If you haven't read Estées book yet, and you're a fan of hers, you truly don't know what you're missing! I went through the entire thing laughing, crying, smiling, and feeling ready to take on the world. I have the added luck of calling Estée my friend now, and let me tell you, she's just as wonderful in real life.

2. Stephanie Toms: Steph and I became friends two or so years ago. A blogger and now super successful Youtuber (hello an extra 20,000 followers in like... 1 month! Yes, seriously!), Steph really doesn't let anything get in her way. She's one of the people I find the most inspiring in my life. Whenever we get together, we chat about all things internet, business and life, and I'll guarantee that I leave her feeling ready to take on the day. I admire her work ethic SO much. This girl truly never stops, and she's so innovative! A real entrepreneur, I can't wait to see what the next few years brings this lady.

2. Anna Clark: You will all probably know who Anna is. Anna runs and writes many websites and blogs, including The Cornish Life, based on life in Cornwall (obv.) The best way that I can describe Anna is as a total badass business woman. She works harder than anyone I think I've ever met, runs a billion businesses, and runs them all super well. She's also super duper young still, and is doing so well. She's a lover of community, and is always trying to bring local Cornish creatives together, which I love her for. We get on SUPER well, probably because we discovered that we were both INFJs (Myers Briggs anyone?), and think in very similar ways. I admire this girl so, so, so much. If you haven't already, check her out.

4.Katie Dalebout: I've mentioned Katie a couple of times on my blog in the past, but she needs another mention. I've never met Katie, and I haven't followed her for very long, but I feel like I do actually know this girl. Katie is a blogger, an author, and the mind behind the podcast "Let It Out." She's all about healthy living, empowerment, mindfullness and just being the best version of yourself. Her podcasts are always incredibly uplifting, inspiring and leave you feeling really happy. I listen to them weekly, and I read her book in a few days. If you're looking to be inspired, Katie might just be the girl for you.
5. Aleisha McCormack: Aleisha isn't a woman I've known about for very long at all. In fact, I discovered her for the first time on Wednesday. That's right... 3 days ago! But I already felt like I needed to give her a mention, because this woman is incredible! On Wednesday, I attended the Cornwall Wed Meet Up, which is essentially a huge networking event for people in Cornwall who are involved in the wedding industry. I'm one of those people now, so naturally, I went along. Aleisha had come all the way down from London to give us a talk about authenticity. And my god, she is as real as real can be. An Aussie who moved to London a couple of years ago, and started a Podcast called "Bridechilla," Aleisha is all about being your true self, being chilled out, and being happy. I've not been involved in the wedding industry for very long, but I can tell you that it can be VERY intimidating... and it comes with a lot of expectations and rules. These are rules that I don't always agree with or totally understand... but until Wednesday, I really felt like I had to follow them. Aleisha changed my mind, showed me a new perspective, and encouraged us all to be true to ourselves. I'm going to be doing just that! Check out her Podcast, Bridechilla. You'll laugh your socks off!

6. Emily Soto:Emily Soto is a fashion photographer that I've followed for years and years. Basically, since 2010. We've featured her in Atlas, and I've loved watching her career grow and grow over the years. It was actually looking through Emily's work this time last year, which gave me that final boost I needed to get back into photography. Her work is so, so, so beautiful, and her story is so empowering and encouraging, that after such a long time of taking no real images that I loved, I felt a burning desire to get back out there. I really don't think that I'd be back into photography in the way I am now, if it wasn't for Emily and her amazing photography.

7. Kristina Bazan: Do I really need to explain who Kristina is? Kristina Bazan is a 23 year old super blogger, and she's been a close friend of mine since I was 16. It's pretty obvious why she's on this list, because she inspires women all around the world (2.4 million on Instagram, to be precise) every single day. So it's no surprise that for someone like me, who knew her before all of that happened, and has been able to watch her grow, has found her incredibly inspiring. I don't know anyone as ambitious, as business savy, as clever or as beautiful as Kristina, all wrapped into one. It astounds me that she's only 23, because I really don't know what's going to happen next! All I can say is, watch her. And don't take your eyes off... cause she's going to go even further than she already has.
So there you go! 7 women who I find incredibly inspiring. Obviously, there are so many more... but I'll keep that for another blog post. Who do you find inspiring?