A Delicious Low FODMAP Winter Salad

Do you ever have one of those days where you just want ALL the vegetables? I had one of those days recently, and it also happened to be a day where I didn't have a whole lot of time to cook, and there was a random mix of vegetables in the fridge. I got them all out, including the two chicken breasts I had, and began to experiment.
Broccoli is something I never used to cook often; mainly because I used to think I couldn't eat it. But thanks to the low FODMAP diet, I know I can tolerate at least 1/2 a cup. Since experimenting a bit, I seem to tolerate broccoli quite well, so we've been eating it a lot, especially in this dish.

This warm winter salad is incredible easy to do, and takes no more than 15 minutes to make, so it's perfect on those cold, dark evenings when you're tired after a long day at work, and really just want to eat fast and then sit on the sofa and watch TV all night. You'll also notice, if you're a strict Low FODMAP-er that I've included Cashews. I tolerate cashews in small amounts very well, and the creaminess of them in this salad is gorgeous, however if you struggle with them, you could absolutely leave them out, or swap them for pecans! I haven't tried that myself yet, but I can imagine it tasting lovely :)
To make this salad you'll need (serves 2):1 Cup Broccoli2 Chicken Breasts, cut into small chunksHandful of Green Beans, chopped1 Red Pepper, choppedHandfull of Cashew Nuts/PecansSplash of Garlic Infused Olive Oil,Splash of TamariSaltPepper
Method:Steam the broccoli on its own for a 5-6 minutesHeat a Wok on a medium to high heat, and add the garlic infused olive oil.Throw in the chicken and let it cook slightly. I like to add a dash of tamari to it at this point, to season the chicken.Add the rest of the vegetables (green beans, red peppers) and let them cook.Once the broccoli has been steamed, add it to the wok as well. Stir everything together.Add a bit more tamari (I aim for about 1/2 a teaspoon), and a pinch of salt and pepper and stir.When it's got about 1 minute left to cook, throw in the cashews and stir them in to get them seasoned.
And that's really all there is to it! You can easily make this vegetarian/vegan if you wanted to be leaving out the chicken breast, and if you're not following a Low FODMAP diet, I'm sure you could add onions and garlic and make it even more flavoursome. Do you have any great winter salad recipes that I need to try? Let me know in the comments bellow!
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