4 Podcasts To Make You Feel Inspired and Happy

Podcasts have been around for ages. I swear people have been podcasting since the beginning of iTunes, and I'm not even going to Google when iTunes was launched because it will DEFINITELY make me feel really old. However, despite Podcasts being around forever, I've only recently really gotten into them. Perhaps it's because posts of this nature keep popping up on my Bloglovin' Feed, or because now that I'm working from home full time and need some entertainment. Whatever it is, I'm really enjoying listening to them lately, so I thought I'd share some of my current favourites!
Ctrl Alt Delete by Emma Gannon: Emma Gannon is the mastermind behind Girl Lost In The City, an extremely popular blog which I'm ashamed to say I only discovered recently. Better late than never, right? When I saw that Emma was going to be producing a Podcast, I was immediately curious. Emma's blog posts are always extremely insightful and witty. She makes you think (like, actually use your brain) and I think she's very clever. Ctrl Alt Delete revolves around Emma interviewing women she admires, some of which I follow already, and others who I'd never heard of. I've listened to her talk to Elizabeth Gilbert (Eat Pray Love, Big Magic and -- can you believe it -- who the film "Coyote Ugly" is based on!?), Ashley C Ford and Zoe Sugg aka Zoella so far. Perhaps it's because I follow Zoe online, but I really liked that interview. It felt like they had a real connection (which I think they do - I believe they're friends) but it really came through. I learnt a thing or two about social media and, again, it got me thinking.If you want something insightful, inspiring and interesting to listen to which focuses on female empowerment and business, this is a Podcast I really recommend!Listen to: Episode 2 with Zoelle: Talking Internet Fame & Being Your Own Boss
Filler Podcast: I feel like I've mentioned this on here before... but I'm going to mention it again cause why not?! Filler Podcast is created by two London based artists, Harry Hitchens and Matt Shore. Filler is a podcast for creative industries, and I love it! Every week (whilst they're recording - I believe they're on a hiatus at the moment) they sit down and interview a new creative. They can be from any field, and I quite like that. Sometimes it's easy to get bogged down and learn about nothing but the industry that you're a part of, but I've really enjoyed listening to the Podcasts about songwriters, designers, and architects as much as I've enjoyed the more photography, or internet based ones.Listen to: #2 Lifestyle Vlogger Arden Rose, #9 Rosa Park, Editor of Cereal Magazine, #14 Instagrammer Jess Angell, #18 Lifestyle Vlogger Estée Lalonde.
PhotoTypes: Oh my goodness, did I binge on this Podcast last week. It's half the reason that this post exists because as a photographer, these interviews are SO good! Seriously, I felt so incredibly inspired listening to these podcasts that it simply MADE me want to shot then and there. Created by Matt Bowen, each week he interviews a new photographer. Like I said above about how it's great to listen to people from other industries, the same applies with Phototypes, only in this case it's been great to listen to how other photographers approach their various niches differently. I adores listening to so many of these, and I'll list them bellow, but Jose Villa's (the incredibly famous and Pinterest-worthy wedding photographer) interview particularly stood out to me. I've learnt a lot about the industry, and I think that listening to these has shown that everyone has their own particular path to getting where they want to be, and some go faster than others, and that's ok.If you're a photographer and feel like listening to something really inspiring, I highly recommend this!Listen to: Jose Villa: The Reluctant Rockstar, Gregory Crewdson: Cathedral Of The Pines, India Hobson: Work Your Way Out Of A Photography Problem, Andy Gaines: All Wedding Photographers Need To Listen To This, Mark Clinton: Acclaimed Australian Surf, Lifestyle and Commercial Photographer
Greg James - That's What He Said:Now, this is totally different to any of the Podcasts mentioned above, but if there's one Podcast that I listen to every single episode of from start to finish every single week, it's this one. I'm happy to admit that I have a bit of a penchant for Greg James. I just enjoy his humour and his show on the radio always makes me chuckle, so I'm bound to love his Podcast. Every week Greg James and Chris Smith sit down and chat about the week they've had, play the highlights from the radio show, and include an extra couple of games that are "podcast exclusive." I listen to this on a Monday morning whilst I'm gearing up for my week, and I swear it puts me in the best mood and makes me ready to get to to work!If you're looking for something that will make you laugh out loud and feel happy, then this is the Podcast you need!Listen to: all of them!
What are your favourite Podcasts? Do you have any to recommend me?